Then carry out the relevant work required.
We ask that appliances must not be used at all in the 24 hours before an appointment
We also ask where possible to have ash and debris removed from the fire/grate before arriving, and move any nearby furniture to allow access for our equipment. We also ask for access to a plug near to the fireplace so we can power our vacuum and other equipment if needed.
We will then:
For other services like look-see CCTV checks, drone checks, pre install checks etc we will carry out a similar process.
Your chimney will be inspected by a professional chimney sweep assessed to the national standards - The chimney sweep will assume unless otherwise told by the homeowner entry that the appliance is correctly and safely installed and is in a fit state to be swept with no known issues
The chimney and appliances must be safely and properly installed as well as is in a fit state.
If a fault occurs during sweeping, this is not the misdeed of the sweep. For a chimney and items connected to the installation to be considered fit for use, it must be in such condition that it can be safely cleaned and tested. If damage is caused during sweeping it suggests an underlying fault due to poor installation, misuse or age which was exposed by the sweeping process. Please see our T&C's
If you have any questions? get in touch, 07842107746 /